Poèmes anonymes

Des élèves de seconde euro ont écrit des poèmes en anglais dans le cadre d’un projet autour de la représentation de soi et du rapport aux autres. La consigne était de respecter 3 strophes, afin de se représenter sur les réseaux sociaux, en vrai et de ce qu’ils seront ou désireront être dans le futur.

Ils ont souhaité rester anonymes.

Poème anonyme 1

A lonely boy

Was in a boat in the sea.

He wanted to know what was joy

In the middle of an ocean of tears.

He wrote what he felt in a book,

Dreaming about a new look

Forgot the real him

He jumped; and started to swim

In the water he felt safe.

Sunbeams went through the surface

Slowly moving with the waves

The pain vanished, he was himself

He left his book on the boat

Maybe it wasn’t him who wrote on it

While he was approaching the coast

He finally ends his long conflict.


Poème anonyme 2

In my head

I think about so many things,

My thoughts are jostling.

I feel so many emotions,

My emotions are mixed.

So, I put my headphones on,

I listen to music

And I write stories.

I write what I feel.

I write what I think.

All this cleans my head.

I wish someday

My stories will be published

I hope some people

Will find a part of them

In my characters, in my head.


Poème anonyme 3

Behind my screen,

Above my fifteen,

I pretend to be,

But is that the reality ?

I don’t post any content,

But does it make sense ?

I have to say it,

Because I’m proud of it,

Of course that I’m real,

I feel like I’m unstoppable,

I think I’m sympathetic,

As well as comprehensive,

I’m maybe too honest,

But I’m trying to do my best,

I like to be funny,

In fact I love being me,

In the future, I’ll be a nice pilot,

I’ll be flying a plane,

And from the sky, I will see the plains,

I aim to travel all over the world,

Without getting old,

I hope to stay as I am,

But who knows, perhaps I’ll change my mind,

All of this to say : It represents myself.

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